Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention

teen dating violence awareness

Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month during February is pivotal.

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month is a time for us to educate and spread awareness that Teen Dating Violence exists within our communities. This month-long awareness and prevention focuses on advocacy and education to stop dating abuse before it starts. Teen Dating Violence Awareness through YEA

YEA Team, our Education and Advocacy program for teens

Our Youth Education and Advocacy Program (YEA) teaches safe and healthy relationship skills to high school students in Monterey County. Our facilitators utilize the curriculum called Safe Dates by Hazeldon. The Safe Dates curriculum focuses on the attitudes and behaviors associated with dating abuse and violence. The YEA program facilitators also utilize the Dating Matters prevention model which was designed and evaluated by the CDC. The Dating Matters model focuses on preventing teen dating violence before it begins by integrating multiple prevention components. During the month of February, Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention is focused on learning about healthy relationships and self empowerment. Our YEA Program will impact our students positively for the rest of their lives by providing them with the necessary tools to identify characteristics of a healthy relationship and any potential relationship red flags.

YWCA-MC knows that knowledge is power and the more teens learn about dynamics of unhealthy relationships, the better they can avoid intimate partner violence. If you would like to implement our YEA Program in your facility, click here to fill out a request form and our YEA director will be in touch.

Students who recently graduated from our program have great things to say!

Comments from recent YEA Graduates

I really appreciate you guys teaching us all this. I learned something good that will help me in the future or helping a friend in need.

I believe it was a really helpful thing because it showed me how to look out for these kinds of relationships in my future.

I liked the program, it could teach people who dont know anything about unhealthy and healthy relationships if you really wanted to you could make this course a full size class room with how much people don’t know.

If you would like to support our YEA program efforts, consider donating online now!


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