Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children -CSEC
Commercial sexual exploitation of children, CSEC, refers to a range of crimes involving the sexual exploitation of children for financial benefit. Traffickers exchange for monetary or non-monetary value. Non-monetary value includes; food, drugs, shelter, and protection.
There are several acts that fall into what is categorized as CSEC; some of these acts against children include:
Sex trafficking of children
Child sex tourism
Commercial production of child pornography
Throughout our Human Trafficking Awareness Campaign, we discussed one of the most prevalent and continuous issues is how difficult it is to identify victims. The struggle to safely remove them from their situation remains challenging. Moreover, it is incomprehensible that some of the most vulnerable and youngest population also fall victim to this type of abhorrent abuse. One of the best preventative measures is education. By educating families, community members, and our youth about the warning signs and recruitment tactics traffickers use, we prevent it.
Programs at YWCA-MC
Through prevention and advocacy we can empower generations to understand the red flags associated with human trafficking and abuse. We work with students across Monterey County to give them the knowledge to not only advocate for their own safety but to advocate for others that may fall victim to human trafficking.
While we are proud to work in high and middle schools, we know that education shouldn’t end there. We also collaborate with hospitals and local police departments to help educate them on the warning signs of human trafficking. Not only are students becoming well-equipped with the knowledge, so are doctors, nurses, and police. Our community professionals are able to help deliver services to victims of human trafficking in the most comprehensive way to ensure the victim receives the resources they need.
Starting May 2021, we will begin teaching the “Word on the Street” Curriculum at Portola Butler High School in King City, California. The “Word on the Street” Curriculum is designed to educate students about human trafficking and red flags associated with potential lures human traffickers use to capture their victims. This curriculum is normally six to eight weeks and is taught weekly on Fridays.
Additionally, our team had a series of four presentations this month at Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula (CHOMP) to talk about human trafficking and educate the 100+ emergency room and hospital staff about the best approach in working with HT survivors.
Types of Education
1 Day Presentations offered to students in Monterey County
CSEC 101
This presentation reviews who the exploiters are, what CSEC is what the recruitment tactics are (ie fake job postings)
CSEC for Parents and Caregivers
This presentation reviews what the red flags of CSEC are, how to protect children from becoming victims and resources for children affected by human trafficking.
Healthy Relationships
This presentation reviews what consent is, different types of abuse, cycles of abuse, ways to help out a friend and resources for victims of dating violence.
Outreach and Prevention
I cannot stress how important it is to collaborate with schools in Monterey County and talk to the youth about the risks associated with human trafficking, dating violence and warning sings for each of these scenarios. We have to be mindful about our approach to outreach and prevention to ensure our youth understand what to do if they find themselves confronted with a situation related to human trafficking or dating violence. All to the education we are providing to the youth matters and can mean the difference between preventing the abuse or exploitation before it begins. We do our best to provide them with life-long tools that will bring awareness and prevention.
Evelyn Tapia, Youth Education, and Advocacy Facilitator
We work to educate community members, students, and parents about the warning signs, tactics, and red flags associated with human trafficking.
Our Human Trafficking team works to not only educate the community about warning signs of human trafficking, but also work with survivors to provide the resources to look for a job, permanent housing, and therapy methods that help best fit their healing process.
How can you make a difference?
Schedule a youth educational presentation with our agency by contacting Evelyn at