Racial Justice, A World Where Justice Just Is

YWCA, the nation’s oldest and largest women’s organization has launched a new initiative for racial justice, Until Justice Just Is.   This is a campaign designed to bring awareness to systemic racism and our commitment to ending systemic and institutional racism by empowering women and eliminating racism our core values.

YWCA  has fought the good fight for racial justice for more than 160 years. Until Justice Just Is, YWCAMC  will continue to offer resources such as community anti-racism discussion guides, equity training for workplaces, a learning library with toolkits on allyship and implicit bias, and convenings of local activists and national leaders who strive for equal opportunity and justice.

“YWCA USA has a proud legacy of fighting for racial justice, and we’re more motivated than ever to double down on our mission and do the work of justice,” said Alejandra Y. Castillo, CEO, YWCA USA. “But we can’t do this work alone. Dismantling systemic and institutional racism requires a nationwide response. Individuals, companies, and communities everywhere need to take actionable steps towards ending racism, and our goal with this campaign is to offer them a roadmap.”

YWCAMC's Stand Against Racism campaign every April, is designed to raise awareness of racial injustices and encourage the public to take a stand for racial equity. We host events, rallies, and races in their communities to denounce racism. Click here to take our pledge to Stand Against Racism.  This crucial first step will bring you in line with anti racism values.  It makes it clear it is your choice how you think and the commitment to support anti racist rhetoric.  Until Justice Just is dovetails well into our Stand Against Racism campaign and event stronger into our core value to eliminate racism.

The campaign concept and video is created by renowned marketing firm, VSA Partners. The campaign highlights the creativity of people of color with video imagery from Black photographers, campaign typeface that was created by Tre Seals, a Black graphic designer whose inspiration was the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, and voiceover by Ayesha Jordan, a Black performance artist.

If our mission to eliminate racism and empower women feels like something you can support, please donate today.


Domestic Violence Awareness Month is October


Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Icon. Fighter. Feminist. Shero.