Human Trafficking Statistics Show the Need for Programs
Human Trafficking statistics show women and children are at the most risk of becoming victims of human trafficking. Both labor and sex trafficking are types of Human trafficking that continue to thrive in the streets of Monterey County. Helpless victims include children under the age of 18. In 2019, as in past years, just over half of victims in criminal human trafficking statistics were children.
This 32-billion dollar a year global industry preys upon innocent victims by exploiting them for labor and/or sex. Human trafficking in the United States remains one of the biggest criminal enterprises and ranks second place as the most profitable global criminal enterprise. Drug activity is the first.
A Human Rights Issue
A violation of individual freedom and human rights, human trafficking has left many survivors unable to cope. Traumatic experiences combined with the struggle to survive holds women captive. Every human trafficking victim must be given the resources to regain normalcy and the ability to overcome emotional barriers.
It’s important to get women and children off the streets.
While our grant for the Human Trafficking program is no longer active, we can still provide mental health services to help heal trauma caused by their captor or others. YWCA-MC has been helping women and children overcome human trafficking for years and through the years we have gained countless resources to help women get back to living for themselves.
As a non-profit agency, the YWCA-MC depends on your generosity towards these efforts to relieve the plight of those affected by human trafficking. We provide resources to survivors. Resources that have been curated throughout the many years of helping victims. Every donation received makes a world of difference to each and every survivor we help along the way.
If you are able to donate financially, please click the donate link today. We also need supplies for our Safehouses so if you have extra toiletries or have extra canned food at your house, please consider donating items by calling our office at 831-422-8602.
*graph from 2019 Federal Human Trafficking Report